Know what is APADEPI
The Panamanian Aúsociation of Intellectual Property Law (APADEPI) is a non-profit organization character that seeks to bring together all those professionals who wish to promote activities for the development of intellectual property and to achieve its aims.
Objectives of the Association
- To protect the interests of the public and to ensure the fair and proper application of intellectual property standards.
- The study and research of intellectual property issues in their various modalities.
- Advising and assisting all members in connection with the issues relevant to the work of the Association, as well as encouraging good relations among members and coordinating an effective communication among them.
- To illustrate the public about the activities of the Association through press conferences, media announcements, seminars, courses, lectures, panels, congresses, and in general all forms of informative and didactic means so that they learn about our work.
- Establish and maintain relations with government entities responsible for the application of intellectual property provision.
- Academic Committee
- Ethic Committee
- Industrial Property Committee
- Copyright and Related Rights Committee